in Japan
Executive Committee
English  한글
The PTA executive committee
  • The committee is elected annually by a vote of the membership to lead and serve the PTA in achieving its purpose of serving the school.
  • Meetings are the first school Friday of each month.
  • Questions for any of the executive committee members may be sent to, and the appropriate person will respond.
  • Committee members are nominated by the current executive committee to fill vacancies for the following school year.
Anyone interested in serving on the executive committee may make their interest known by writing to the PTA. Brief job descriptions for each position are below.
Qualifications for executive committee members
A PTA Executive Committee member:
  1. is part of the Current CAJ “Family,” such as parents /legal guardians of currently enrolled students, current staff and board members, and current Parallel families.
  2. has a desire to serve the Lord through the work of the CAJ community and is qualified for their particular job description, and
  3. has a growing relationship with and personal commitment to Jesus Christ and operates within biblical principles, and
  4. possesses good English communication skills (as EC meetings are conducted in English), and
  5. is nominated and elected annually by the PTA membership.
In addition to these elected members, the positions of Staff Liaison and/or Leadership Team Advisor are appointed by the Head of School.
Executive committee job descriptions
  • Executive committee members must be available for meetings on the first school Friday of each month.
  • They are expected to work at the Fall Festival & Bazaar and the Spring Party (up to 8 hours per day), including set-up and clean-up.
  • Attendance at all PTA-sponsored meetings is desired, if at all possible.
  • Help with graduation reception, including the graduation immediately following election. Parents of seniors are not expected to work on graduation day.

The President is responsible for any PTA business, activities, and information concerning PTA policies and organization; agenda items for the executive committee, and is in communication with the Leadership Team Advisor and/or Staff Liaison.

The Vice-president assists the President as requested, leads meetings in his/her absence, and oversees the ARK Kiosk subcommittee with the Treasurer.

The Treasurer is responsible for PTA financial records and activities and works with the Vice President to oversee the ARK Kiosk subcommittee comprised of non-EC members.

The Secretary prepares the agenda and records minutes of EC meetings, sends them to committee members and the Leadership Team via the Staff Liaison, keeps PTA files and records, and maintains the schedule for EC meeting devotions.

The Event coordinator oversees the Fall Festival and Bazaar, the Spring Party and other related subcommittees comprised of non-EC members.

The Hospitality coordinator oversees the Christmas outreach (distributing baked goods to CAJ neighbors), Staff Appreciation, graduation reception, ongoing hospitality, and other related subcommittees comprised of non-EC members.

The Spiritual Life Coordinator oversees Community Prayer & Worship and Parents in Prayer, chairs the Tithe Committee (for summer mission scholarships), manages the Summer Scripture Memory Program, and oversees related subcommittees comprised of non-EC members.

The Public Relations Coordinator publishes PTA activities both inside & outside the CAJ community (website, social media, print media, videos, etc.), updates the PTA website in coordination with designated CAJ staff, and oversees related subcommittees comprised of non-EC members.

The Staff Liaison and/or Leadership Team Advisor is the contact person between the PTA and the staff of CAJ and is appointed by the Head of School to this position. They receive and process project requests from school personnel, present approved projects to the Executive Committee, and oversee how the projects are carried out. The Staff Liaison will assist with other items such as bulletin announcements and calendar requests.

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