in Japan
2011-2012 Parent Survey Results

In December 2011, CAJ invited parents to take an online survey. The survey was completed by 111 parents representing 108 of 321 families.

Surveys will be conducted annually and the results compared across time and with results from other schools. Surveys are an important part of our school improvement process, but are only meant to be one form of feedback. CAJ welcomes your feedback, and we continue to encourage direct communication with our teaching staff, support staff, and administration.

The results (below) are tabulated in terms of the rounded percentage of people rating an item as:
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Don't Know/Doesn't Apply
To see further specifics, use your mouse to roll over a pie chart
1. My child understands the content and skills covered in his/her classes. 2. My child can solve problems. 3. My child collaborates with others. 4. My child understands what he/she reads for school.
5. My child uses his/her learning to help others. 6. At school, my child focuses on learning. 7. CAJ staff are committed to equipping my child to impact the world for Christ. 8. CAJ has a safe, healthy environment.
9. Teachers collaborate with my child. 10. People at CAJ care about me. 11. Teachers expect my child to do well. 12. Feedback from teachers helps me know how my child is doing in class.
13. I am involved in school improvement. 14. The education offered at CAJ is of high quality. 15. I feel that what my child is learning in class is important to his/her life both now and in the future. 16. In addition to quizzes/tests, my child is given different ways to show what he/she has learned (for example, projects and presentations).
17. My child uses teacher feedback to improve his/her learning. 18. Teachers at CAJ use a variety of teaching methods in order to make classes interesting and meaningful. 19. If my child needs learning support, there is a variety of options available. 20. I am involved in my child's education.
21. CAJ's buildings are safe, clean, and usable. 22. CAJ's campus (buildings, classrooms, playground…) supports the educational program. 23. CAJ provides my child with the resources he/she needs to learn (books, computers...). 24. Overall, I am satisfied with CAJ.
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