Personal and school property

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A fundamental principle for our life together is respect for each other, which includes each other's property.

  • We expect that everyone who shares the use of school facilities will help to take good care of them as part of our desire to be faithful caretakers of the resources God has given us to use.
  • Those who are disrespectful will make restitution with their time and their yen.
    • There is no insurance to pay for personal or school property that is abused.
  • CAJ provides storage space for every student for personal items.
    • All hallway hooks/cubby holes and school desks are school property loaned to students.
    • Principals may inspect hallway hooks/cubby holes and desks at any time.
    • Items left in areas other than places described above may be collected by the principal and taken to the Lost and Found with the purpose of maintaining an attractive building for visitors and demonstrating an atmosphere of gratefulness for the great facilities that God has blessed us with.
    • Students who want their things back can inquire of one of the librarians or check in the gym.
  • Unfortunately, occasionally a member of our community does not respect the property of others. Don't leave money or things of value where others may take them. If you must take something valuable to school, ask a teacher or someone in the office to keep it for you until you need it.
  • Umbrellas are personal property and should not be borrowed without the owner’s permission.