At CAJ (Headmaster blog) Staffing CAJ Update - January 2014

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Current post
May 2015 | Annual Report
February 2015 | Mission Statement Review and Changes
January 2015 | CAJ celebrating 65th anniversary
November 2014 | Introducing our new Head of School
October 2014 | School WithOut Walls
September 2014 | A New Year


May 2014 | Annual Report
April 2014 | Celebrating 65 Years!
March 2014 | Governance at CAJ
February 2014 | Headmaster Transition
November 2013 | Sister Schools
October 2013 | Behaviors off Campus
September 2013 | Strong in the Lord


May 2013 | Annual Report
April 2013 | Celebrating a Change
March 2013 | Remembered
February 2013 | Staffing CAJ
January 2013 | The Complexity of Calendars
December 2012 | Christmas Card
November 2012 | Choosing Colleges
September 2012 | Communication at CAJ

Staffing CAJ Update | January 2014[edit]


Last February I wrote about staffing CAJ and, as that is such an important part of what we do, I am hilighting it again this month (see below). This year I am delighted to report that we have many more qualified applicants than positions open. I am also pleased to report that we have already offered most of our contracts for next Fall. We are excited about welcoming these new staff onto our team and into our community. Please do regularly help us recruit for new staff by watching our postings (link) and telling qualified people about working at CAJ. God consistently calls wonderful and talented people to CAJ, and I am honored and humbled to be a part of that process.

Your servant in Him,
Brian Vander Haak

One of the most important responsibilities for the headmaster is to make sure CAJ is able to recruit excellent new staff. We work on hiring staff year around, but it is a major focus of my time between November and March.
In November we work to determine our staffing needs for the following year. We gather information from current staff about their plans and many staff also meet with me to talk about their unique situation.
As we gather this information, we start to advertise openings for the following year and beyond. We usually first advertise these to our existing staff for a brief period to allow those already hired to apply for a change in assignment. If we don’t offer the assignment internally, we then advertise on our public web site, as well as with other organizations such as CSI (Christian Schools International) and ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International).
We are constantly working on other ways to recruit the best possible new staff as well. Last October I went to a recruiting fair in America for educators interested in working at international Christian schools. We recently completed a new brochure to encourage potential staff to apply to CAJ and distributed it widely. And we work closely with mission agencies to bring teachers hired through them to Japan.
Even though we work diligently at recruiting, most of our potential new staff are referred to us by someone. People who have attended, worked, or have had children here tell others about this special place. And some of those who hear about us also hear a call from God to come to teach at CAJ. Those we end up hiring have gone through a rigorous process and are willing to come here for a salary well below other international schools because they value what we do. They have become committed to being a part of CAJ's mission to prepare students to impact the world for Christ.
In order to be hired by CAJ, the applicant needs to meet the board requirements that are listed here in the board manual. These requirements ensure that we hire the best possible staff. We only hire those that are qualified, dedicated, and fully agree with our mission and purpose.
After someone applies for a position at CAJ, we assemble a file that verifies whether they meet these board requirements. Many are involved in this process, including the human resources coordinator, members of the Leadership Team, department chairs, head teachers and others connected to that specific position. We choose whom to interview, do background checks, gather references, answer their questions, and work through a myriad of other important details.
A great gift you can give to CAJ, and one that will ensure we can continue to offer a quality Christian education for our children, is to help us find and recruit potential CAJ staff. When you meet someone who is qualified and whom you believe would make an excellent addition to our staff and community, have them check the employment section of our web page and prayerfully consider applying. Most of our staffing decisions for 2013-14 have already been made, but we are already looking ahead to 2014-15.


昨年の2月のブログで、CAJにおける教職員の配置や新採用に関する仕事がいかに学校長の仕事の中で重要なことであるかを書かせていただきましたが、今年の今月のブログでそのことを再び強調させていただきます。(下記参照)喜んで皆さんにおつたえしたいことは、採用募集に対して、たくさんのしかるべき資格を持つ募集の応募が寄せられているということです。そして、すでに、ほとんどの来年度への契約を申し出ることができています。このCAJコミュニティーにきて、私達のチームに新しく加わってくださるスタッフたちを歓迎できることに、私達は喜びをかんじています。どうか皆さん、今後も引き続き私達の学校への採用情報に目を通していただき(LINK) CAJで働くためにすばらしい人材をご存知でしたら、ぜひ、リクルートの為に情報を広めていただいたり、つたえていただけると感謝です。神さまは、賜物のあるすばらしい人材をCAJにいつも呼んでくださっています。わたしも、そのプロセスを担う者として、光栄でもあり、へりくだるおもいでもあります。




その後、内部で募集のスタッフが採用できないときは、CAJのウェブページ上 public web site での公募と同時にクリスチャンスクールズインターナショナル CSI (Christian Schools International) や、クリスチャンスクールズインターナショナルアソシエーション ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International). などのホームページでも情報を掲載します。
Here in the board manual これらの条件は、最善なスタッフを選ぶことを確実にするものでもあり、私たちは、ただ、CAJの任務と目的に完全に同意でき、資格のある、献身的な応募者を雇うのみなのです。